Karmapa Public Course 2025: Impressions
March 15, 2025
The annual Public Meditation Course at the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI) was held between the 24th of December 2023 and the 2nd of January 2024.
Throughout the course, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gave Dharma talks, answered questions, and guided sessions of the practice of Chenrezig, the wisdom aspect embodying the enlightened compassion of all Buddhas.
A large number of participants were gathered in the main shrine room of KIBI to listen to the precious Buddha Dharma and practice together.
In addition to Karmapa, Drupon Nyigyam Rinpoche, Khenpo Tsering Samdrub, and Khenpo Chochok also shared their knowledge and experience of the Dharma with the eager students.
As a special highlight, for the first time in the long history of KIBI’s meditation courses, Karmapa granted the empowerment of Chenrezig to the participants – a particular joy and blessing to all the practitioners, many of whom had come to KIBI for the first time.
The Public Meditation Course concluded with aspiration prayers for the benefit of all beings.
Please enjoy a selection of pictures from these special days at KIBI.
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