Kagyu Monlam 2024, Part 1 (Photos)
December 20, 2024
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, arrived at the Beaufoy Institute in London on the late evening of the 10th of July, 2024, and was warmly welcomed by the residents and a team of volunteers and devotees. Despite the late hour of his arrival, Karmapa decided to go on a guided tour of the entire premises. The team led him through all the rooms of the building and gave him detailed explanations about the renovation work accomplished over the past twelve years, as well as the work projects in progress and those still in the planning stage.
The Beaufoy is a Grade II listed historic building, which now serves as home to the London Diamond Way Buddhist Centre, and the UK headquarters of Diamond Way Buddhism.
On the 12th of July Karmapa met with representatives of all the UK Diamond Way centres. The spokespersons of the various groups gave him an overview of the history of their centres and their current activities and projects.
Over the course of the next two days, on the weekend of the 13th and 14th of July, a public programme was held on the premises of the Beaufoy.
On Saturday Karmapa gave a Dharma talk on the topic of Buddhist refuge and held a question-and-answer session. This was followed by a special children’s blessing, where youngsters of all age groups – babies, toddlers and preteens alike – got an opportunity to spend a moment with Karmapa and receive a candy or two from him.
On Sunday Karmapa transmitted the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus, one of the wisdom aspects embodying longevity, to a gathering of over one thousand practitioners. Once again, he gave detailed explanations on the meaning of the practice and the various stages of the ritual, with a particular focus on the practice of refuge and Bodhicitta.
After two more days spent at the Beaufoy Institute, Karmapa departed London by train on the 18th of July for Harrogate in Yorkshire, the next stop on his tour.
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