Caleta de Vélez Diamond Way Buddhist Center
The center was founded on 26th January 2016. In June the same year Lama Ole Nydahl came to bless it. We are open for meditation and introductory talks on Wednesdays at 21:00.
Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Address: Moreras de Baviera, Fase 1, Caleta de Vélez
Postal Code: 29751
Country: Spain
Phone: 0034606960843
Email: caletadevelez@diamondway-center.org
Contact form for center: https://budismo-espana.org/centro-budista-caleta-de-velez/
Homepage: https://budismo-espana.org/centro-budista-caleta-de-velez/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/budismo.caleta
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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