São Paulo Diamond Way Center
The activities of the Diamond Way in São Paulo started in 2015 with a small group of people meditating and practicing these thousand-year-old teachings. From there we were graced with the arrival of dozens of travelling teachers and were building a new gompa to receive people properly.
All Diamond Way centers operate on a voluntary basis and are based on friendship and idealism. In this way, everyone is able to learn to meditate in a friendly environment and thus, incorporate the Buddhist teachings in day-to-day life. The meditations are guided in Portuguese. No prior experience is required and participation is free.
All are very welcome. And enjoy!
All Diamond Way centers operate on a voluntary basis and are based on friendship and idealism. In this way, everyone is able to learn to meditate in a friendly environment and thus, incorporate the Buddhist teachings in day-to-day life. The meditations are guided in Portuguese. No prior experience is required and participation is free.
All are very welcome. And enjoy!
Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Address: Rua João Ramalho, 145 Perdizes
Postal Code:
Country: Brazil
Phone: 55 11 99699-2076
Email: patriciafloreslarrain@gmail.com
Homepage: http://caminhododiamante.com.br/
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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