Loire-Forez Dhagpo Buddhist Center
The centre was found in Montbrison as a "Dharma group" in 1997 for discovery and study of the values of Buddhism. We have been the KTT Association since around 2002, and have 17 members as of 2018.
Our main activity is meditation, specifically "Shine" practice, one session a week in Saint-Etienne City, and "Tchenrezi" long practice the first Sunday every month.
Many lamas from Dhagpo Kagyu Ling and Dhagpo Kundreul Ling come 4 or 5 times all year to give teachings.
We enjoy meeting other centres from our region: "Auvergne Rhône Alpes" as KTT Vienne in department Isère, or KTT Le Puy en Velay.
Our main activity is meditation, specifically "Shine" practice, one session a week in Saint-Etienne City, and "Tchenrezi" long practice the first Sunday every month.
Many lamas from Dhagpo Kagyu Ling and Dhagpo Kundreul Ling come 4 or 5 times all year to give teachings.
We enjoy meeting other centres from our region: "Auvergne Rhône Alpes" as KTT Vienne in department Isère, or KTT Le Puy en Velay.
Organisation: Fédération française des centres bouddhistes Karma Kagyu (FFCBK)
Address: "DHAGPO Loire-Forez" by "DOJO du 7"
7, rue Clovis Hugues
Postal Code: 42000
Country: France
Email: loireforez@dhagpo.org
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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