Paris Dhagpo Buddhist Center – Espace Bouddhiste Tibétain
Founded in the heart of Paris by Jigme Rinpoche in 2007, this luminous, convivial and welcoming space was especially conceived for every person wishing to forge connections and draw from the source of an authentic tradition, based on human values of generosity, ethics and respect towards the other, as a means to cultivate happiness, peace and solidarity in everyday life.
This daily wisdom is developed through teachings, practices, meditation, retreats, sessions to balance and calm body, heart and mind, workshops on professional life, humanitarian actions and support to educational programs for Tibetan children in exile and underprivileged populations of the Himalayas.
This daily wisdom is developed through teachings, practices, meditation, retreats, sessions to balance and calm body, heart and mind, workshops on professional life, humanitarian actions and support to educational programs for Tibetan children in exile and underprivileged populations of the Himalayas.
Organisation: Fédération française des centres bouddhistes Karma Kagyu (FFCBK)
Address: 32 Boulevard de Ménilmontant
Postal Code: 75020
Country: France
Phone: +33 01 43 07 65 26
Email: ktt-paris@dhagpo-kagyu.org
Contact form for center: http://espacebouddhistetibetain.org/drupal/?q=info
Homepage: http://espacebouddhistetibetain.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Espace-Bouddhiste-Tib%C3%A9tain-1436918659955963/?fref=ts
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ebtparis
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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