Schwarzenberg Bodhi Path Buddhist Center
Our Bodhi Path group was founded on 08.08.2010. On this day the late Shamar Rinpoche wrote a letter, in which he agreed and assured his support for our new Bodhi Path group. In 2014 we moved to a house… more
Our Bodhi Path group was founded on 08.08.2010. On this day the late Shamar Rinpoche wrote a letter, in which he agreed and assured his support for our new Bodhi Path group. In 2014 we moved to a house… more
in 1983, Lama Ole Nydahl founded the Diamond Way Buddhist Retreat Center Schwarzenberg. Since the 1980s, many high Lamas of the Karma Kagyu lineage have been in Schwarzenberg: Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Shamar Rinpoche, Jigme… more
The center was founded in 1992. Lama Ole Nydahl stayed several times in the center, which was housed in different places over the years. more
The group was founded in 1993. We currently meet once a week at a member's house. Please contact us via e-mail or via phone for any further details. more
Singapore's center was founded in 2010. Nowadays we have around 6 members and meditate every week on Monday at 7:30pm. Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, visits Singapore very often and Lama Ole Nydahl gave Phowa here… more
Karma Kagyud Buddhist Centre was established in 1981 by His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa to realise the precious teachings of Buddha in Singapore. In 1979, His Eminence Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche visited Singapore and with his encouragement and advice,… more
The center was founded by a group of long term students of Lama Ole Nydahl in 2014. There are more than 20 members from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland and Russia, and about 10 regular visitors. Located in the very… more
The Smolensk Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2004. more
The Sofia Diamond Way Buddhist Center conducts the meditation on the 16th Karmapa from Monday to Friday at 19:30. On Thursdays the meditation is guided in English. more
The Sosnowiec Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 1999 on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl. In 2004 Lama Ole Nydahl visited our center and left power and blessing. more
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