Buddhist Centers

Košice Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Košice Diamond Way Buddhist Centre was founded in 1996 after the first visit and public lecture of Lama Ole Nydhal in Košice. The center's gompa (meditation room) was blessed by him during his 2nd visit in Košice in… more

Koszalin Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Koszalin Diamond Way Buddhist Centre is one of 660 centers founded and led by Lama Ole Nydahl. Buddyjski Ośrodek Medytacyjny : Koszalin ośrodek należy do Związku Buddyjskiego Diamentowej Drogi Szkoły Karma Kagyu w Polsce i jest jednym z ponad… more

Krakow Diamond Way Buddhist Center

Founded in 1976, the Krakow Diamond Way Buddhist Center is the first Buddhist center founded by Lama Ole Nydahl in Poland. At the same time it was the first ever Diamond Way Buddhist center in a country "behind the… more

Kralupy Diamond Way Buddhist Center

Local buddhist group meeting once a week for 16th Karmapa meditation. The center organises lectures, inviting Czech as well as international travelling teachers. more

Krasnoyarsk Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Krasnoyarsk centre is one of the first Buddhist centres founded by Lama Ole Nydahl in Russia; it was officially registered in 1991. Lay Buddhist teachers from all over the world come to our centre. Lama Ole also visits… more

Krefeld Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Krefeld Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 1992 on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl. Lama Ole Nydahl has visited Krefeld regularly and gave public lectures. We offer regular guided meditations, time for personal practice and courses. The… more

Kuchary Diamond Way Buddhist Centre

Founded in 1986 by Lama Ole Nydahl as the first retreat centre in Poland. Visited by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, His Holiness 14th Shamar Rinpoche and many more. Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche inaugurated two stupas here. more

La Antigua Guatemala Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The center was founded in 2000 and has been visited and blessed by Lama Ole Nydahl on several occasions. The center in Antigua has been active in organizing and co-organizing Phowa Courses and other big courses with Lama Ole… more

Laboe Diamond Way Buddhist Group

The Laboe Diamond Way Buddhist Group was founded in 2009. Since 2010 over 1,000 people have visited the more than 30 free public talks held by our Diamond Way Teachers. The local authority sees our offer as an attractive… more