Kaiserslautern Diamond Way Buddhist Center
The Kaiserslautern Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2000 by students of Lama Ole Nydahl, who has visited the center several times. For meditation and courses please refer to our home page. more
The Kaiserslautern Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2000 by students of Lama Ole Nydahl, who has visited the center several times. For meditation and courses please refer to our home page. more
The Kalisz Diamond Way Buddhist Centre is one of 660 centers founded and lead by Lama Ole Nydahl. We have regular meditation on the 16th Karmapa at the following times: Monday and Thursday: 19:30 more
The Karlsruhe Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Centers in Germany. It was founded on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl. In 1975, during the first visit of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa,… more
The place was found in 1988, and the next year it was bought by Lama Ole Nydahl and Greek friends. Many high Lamas have visited the place, including Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Topka Rinpoche, Lopon… more
Karma Dechen Ösel Ling was founded in 1980 by Kalu Rinpoche and His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. There have been a couple of 3-year retreats since then, as well as many teachings and shorter retreats. It houses several… more
Karma Euzer Ling, which was offered to His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje in 2004, is located in a charming countryside part of Normandy, France, but its foundations date back from 1982 after Alain Duhayon met the Venerable… more
Buddhistische Seminar- und Meditationsstätte der Karma Kagyü Tradition. Karma Gyurme Ling, Remetschwiel, ist eine ruhig gelegene buddhistische Seminar- und Meditationsstätte der Karma Kagyü Tradition im schönen Südschwarzwald bei Waldshut. Das Haus ist Eigentum der Karma Kagyü Stiftung unter der Präsidentschaft… more
Our retreat center was founded in 2005 on land donated by the late Roger Rickenmann and Dora Manrique. It is located 30km north of Bogotá, near the town of Tabio. Over the years it has grown to have a gompa for… more
Karma Kagyü Sangha Vienna is located in downtown Vienna (Fleischmarkt 16. 1010 Vienna, Austria). It came into being upon the initiative of Shamar Rinpoche who, in 1981, suggested to Alexander Draszczyk to start a Karma Kagyü group in Vienna.… more
Die KKS hat seit ihrer Gründung an zahlreichen wesentlichen Projekten der buddhistischen Entwicklung fördernd und operativ teilgenommen. Dazu zählen : - Aufbau des buddhistischen Religionszentrums : Dhagpo Kagyu Ling bei Montignac, Frankreich; - Aufbau und laufende Unterstützung des Klosters Kundreul Ling… more
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