Buddhist Centers

Diamond Way Center Palma de Mallorca

Founded in 2006, the center has 25 active members and organizes public meditations 3 times per week, weekend retreats and courses with traveling teachers. Palma de Mallorca is a beautiful island visited frequently by Buddhists from everywhere. more

Dresden Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Dresden Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded around 1997. Our activities include public meditations twice a week and personal practice. We are regularly visited by Diamond Way Teachers. more

Dublin Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Buddhist centres in Ireland are part of over 600 Diamond Way Buddhist centres of the Karma Kagyu lineage worldwide. They were established by Lama Ole and Hannah Nydahl according to the wishes of H.H. 16th Karmapa and are… more

Duesseldorf Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Duesseldorf Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded by Lama Ole Nydahl. We are constantly growing and our sangha now consists of around 130 joyful practitioners. May our activity due to the blessings of the Lama and the Buddha benefit… more

Eckernförde Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Eckernförde Diamond Way Buddhist Group was founded in the 1990s according to the wishes of Lama Ole Nydahl. Every Friday at 8:00 pm we have a meditation session on the 16th Karmapa. more

El Salvador Diamond Way Center

Our center was founded by Lama Ole and his wife Hannah Nydahl in January of 1996. Its original name was Karma Yonten Ling (the place of Buddha Qualities) and since that the center has functioned following the spiritual guidance… more

Elblag Diamond Way Buddhist Centre

Początki Buddyjskiego Ośrodka Medytacyjnego Diamentowej Drogi linii Karma Kagyu w Elblągu sięgają roku 1994. Jako jeden z 60 zrzeszonych ośrodków i grup medytacyjnych działających w całej Polsce został on założony przez Lamę Ole Nydahla i znajduje się pod duchową… more

Elista Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Elista Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Buddhist Center was founded in 1994 by Lama Ole Nydahl. In the 23 years that the center has been in existence, it has been visited by the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, Lama Tenzang,… more

Ely Diamond Way Buddhist Group

Our Buddhist group meets once a week for a guided meditation on the 16th Karmapa. The Buddhist meditation classes are suitable for all who wish to learn to meditate. We have a small library with Buddhist books and magazines… more