Heidelberg Diamond Way Buddhist Center
The Heidelberg Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 1981.
We are located at the 4th and 5th floor of a 100 year old fireproof furniture storage.
Our sangha consists of around 70 - 80 practitioners.
Our meditation times:
Tuesday 20:30
Wednesday 18:30
Thursday 20:30 (with explanations at 20:00)
Friday 20:30
We are located at the 4th and 5th floor of a 100 year old fireproof furniture storage.
Our sangha consists of around 70 - 80 practitioners.
Our meditation times:
Tuesday 20:30
Wednesday 18:30
Thursday 20:30 (with explanations at 20:00)
Friday 20:30
Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Address: Blumenstr. 49
Postal Code: 69115
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 (6221) 7140641
Email: Heidelberg@diamondway-center.org
Contact form for center: http://www.buddhismus-heidelberg.de/de/zentren/Heidelberg/Kontakt/
Homepage: http://www.buddhismus-heidelberg.de/de/zentren/Heidelberg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DiamantwegBuddhismusHeidelberg
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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