Erlangen Diamond Way Buddhist Center
Since spring 2000, friends have met and meditated in private flats in the suburbs of Erlangen. A group arose and grew gradually. In 2002, Lama Ole Nydahl gave a public lecture in Heinrich-Lades-Halle in Erlangen and visited the meditation place. There had been a wish for our own, central rooms for a long time, and so the meditation group moved at the beginning of 2008 to ground floor rooms in the city center. Since that time the term Buddhist Center instead of Buddhist Group has been used. The entire house was bought by Buddhist friends for that purpose and is inhabited by Buddhists. Lama Ole Nydahl visited the new rooms in autumn 2007 and blessed the place. There's a meditation room, lounge, kitchen and library.
Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Address: Stubenlohstr. 19
91052 Erlangen
Postal Code: 91052
Country: Germany
Email: erlangen@diamondway-center.org
Homepage: http://buddhismus-erlangen.de
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/DiamantwegBuddhismusErlangen/
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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