The Diamond Way Buddhist Group Heiligenhaus started in August 2011.
It is a small group living in a house.
The meditation and info evenings are on Wednesdays.
Our main meditation is the meditation on the 16th Karmapa. more
The Hildesheim Diamond Way Buddhist Group spontaneously established itself after a Buddhist lecture and has existed since 2007. Meanwhile, the group is in a private apartment in a family atmosphere with a 20 square meter meditation room.
Twice a year… more
The retreat center was founded in summer 2001.
Lama Ole Nydahl blessed the place and named it "Place of Ultimate Meaning" (Karma Ngedön Ling). Mipham Rinpoche and his wife visited the retreat center for one day.
We have no… more
The Ingolstadt Diamond Way Buddhist Centre is one of over 600 Diamond Way Buddhist centres of the Karma Kagyu lineage worldwide. It was started in 2008 on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl and is today under the patronage of Thaye Dorje,… more
The Iserlohn Diamond Way Buddhist Center is a key center. We meet once a week for meditation and sometimes a lecture. It is about 15 years old. more
The Kaiserslautern Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2000 by students of Lama Ole Nydahl, who has visited the center several times.
For meditation and courses please refer to our home page. more
The Karlsruhe Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Centers in Germany. It was founded on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl. In 1975, during the first visit of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa,… more
Buddhistische Seminar- und Meditationsstätte der Karma Kagyü Tradition.
Karma Gyurme Ling, Remetschwiel, ist eine ruhig gelegene buddhistische Seminar- und Meditationsstätte der Karma Kagyü Tradition im schönen Südschwarzwald bei Waldshut. Das Haus ist Eigentum der Karma Kagyü Stiftung unter der Präsidentschaft… more
Die KKS hat seit ihrer Gründung an zahlreichen wesentlichen Projekten der buddhistischen Entwicklung fördernd und operativ teilgenommen. Dazu zählen :
- Aufbau des buddhistischen Religionszentrums : Dhagpo Kagyu Ling bei Montignac, Frankreich;
- Aufbau und laufende Unterstützung des Klosters Kundreul Ling… more
The center was founded in 1978 in the tradition of Soto-Zen by disciples of the late master Deshimaru Roshi in Karlsruhe. After his passing a new orientation of the center took place in the Karma Kagyu lineage. Following the… more
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