Buddhist Centers: Germany

Braunschweig Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Braunschweig Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Centers in Germany. It was founded by Lama Ole Nydahl in the 1980s and offers daily meditations on the 16th Karmapa, meditation courses and lectures.… more

Bremen Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Bremen Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in Germany. It was founded by Lama Ole Nydahl in the year 1999 and offers meditation on the 16th Karmapa four times a… more

Bruehl Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Bruehl Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2004 according to the wishes of Lama Ole Nydahl. Lama Ole visited the center in 2006. Every Tuesday: 7:30 pm 16th Karmapa meditation Every Thursday 7:30 pm 16th Karmapa meditation … more

Bruehl Mitte Diamond Way Buddhist Group

The Bruehl Mitte Diamond Way Buddhist Group was founded in 2013 according to the wishes of Lama Ole Nydahl. Every Thursday at 8:00 pm we have a meditation session on the 16th Karmapa. more

Buddhistisches Zentrum Freiburg

Das Buddhistische Zentrum Freiburg ist dem Dhagpo Mandala angeschlossen, einer Vereinigung von Europäischen Zentren der Karma Kagyü Linie. Es lehren vorwiegend deutsche Lehrer, die von dem tibetischen Meditationsmeister Gendün Rinpoche ausgebildet wurden. Sie bieten ein weites Spektrum buddhistischer Lehre,… more

Chemnitz Diamond Way Buddhist Group

The Chemnitz Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in Germany. It was founded in 2009 and offers public meditations on the 16th Karmapa every Wednesday. Several times a year, lay Buddhist… more

Constance Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Buddhist Center Constance was founded in 1984. It was one of the first centers in the border triangle of Germany, Switzerland and Austria connected through the Lake of Constance. The house, which is built in Art Nouveau style… more