Braunschweig Diamond Way Buddhist Center
The Braunschweig Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Centers in Germany. It was founded by Lama Ole Nydahl in the 1980s and offers daily meditations on the 16th Karmapa, meditation courses and lectures. It is also home to Binta, the Buddhist Institute for Tibetan Art.
Since 2003 the center has been located in the “Buddhafabrik”, a former iron foundry. The Buddhafabrik is a project of the Diamond Way Buddhism Foundation.
Since 2003 the center has been located in the “Buddhafabrik”, a former iron foundry. The Buddhafabrik is a project of the Diamond Way Buddhism Foundation.
Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Address: Kramerstraße 18
Postal Code: 38122
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 (531) 798601
Email: Braunschweig@diamondway-center.org
Homepage: http://www.buddhismus-braunschweig.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Buddhismus-Zentrum-Braunschweig-373373526047520/
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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