Belgrade Bodhi Path Buddhist Centre
The Belgrade Bodhi Path group was established with the aim to provide the highest quality instructions in Buddhist meditation and philosophy to all Dharma practitioners in Serbia. We officially joined the network of centers and groups under the guidance of Shamar Rinpoche in August 2010.
So far we have organized courses with Trinlay Tulku Rinpoche, Trehor Lama Tulku, and on a regular basis we have courses with Acharya Tenzing Wangpo, Lama Pamela Gayle White, Darma teachers Miro Tacer and Valentin Gyrme.
We meet for collective meditations and study sessions once a week. In addition to guided Shamatha (shi'nay) meditation, we practice together Chenrezig Sadhana.
Our courses and collective meditations are open to everybody who is interested in learning and practicing the authentic Dharma, newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.
So far we have organized courses with Trinlay Tulku Rinpoche, Trehor Lama Tulku, and on a regular basis we have courses with Acharya Tenzing Wangpo, Lama Pamela Gayle White, Darma teachers Miro Tacer and Valentin Gyrme.
We meet for collective meditations and study sessions once a week. In addition to guided Shamatha (shi'nay) meditation, we practice together Chenrezig Sadhana.
Our courses and collective meditations are open to everybody who is interested in learning and practicing the authentic Dharma, newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.
Organisation: Bodhi Path
Address: Budmanijeva 17, Beograd
Postal Code: 11000
Country: Serbia
Phone: T: +381 64 1674187
Email: info@bodhipath.rs
Contact form for center: https://www.facebook.com/BodhiPathBelgrade/
Homepage: http://www.bodhipath.org
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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